

私にとって重要である ものをのこの場所を興 味を起こさせることを 見つけなかったりし、そ う許可を喜ばし、そして あなた自身を退屈倹約す る。


Update: Friday, April 11, 2008 So it's been 4 months since I've updated. The UVA website is sooo much better, as well as bunnie, but I'm not a bunnie quite yet. lol, I hate working with tables. I got out of the library over an hour ago, but my legs are really aching... I'm trying to figure out what exactly I did to have my legs hurt so much, besides doing work almost the entire time. I didn't get any schoolwork done, except when Lesley came by. Ohh my gosh that guy ate my cookie when I was in the stacks. He's 24 years old; you would think that if you saw a cookie on a table that didn't belong to you that you could leave well enough alone. But no! Wow, I was mildly upset at having my cookie taken away from me, because I really was going to eat it when I got back to my desk. Urgh! I have so much work to do now it's not even funny. Only 3 more weeks and I will be done with the second full year of college and have 99 credits to my name.


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